Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm ALIVE!!!

HELLO BLOGGERLAND!!! I know I've taken a brief hiatus from blogging (still reading other blogs and feeilng guilty all at the same time), but I've decided to come back. No, Kristen, blogging doesn't stop after getting engaged. :) I simply haven't had the time.

Here's what's been going on lately:
  1. Wedding plans are moving along well.
    Church - check!
    Reception Hall - check!
    Wedding dress - check! (due in July 9th)
    Church decorations - check!
    Reception decorations - in process
    Excitement for our wedding day - CHECK!!! :)

  2. My "little" brother graduated from Mississinewa High School on June 2nd. I can't believe he's old enough to be going off to college in the fall. He will be going to IWU (no big surprise there) and majoring in Christian Ministries, Economics and Finance, and minoring in communications...or so he says now. :) I'm sure that will change at least one or more times!

  3. I took a last-minute road trip out to California the week of Memorial Day. My cousin Jonathan is living out in San Diego for the summer and he needed a road buddy to make the trek with him. When I say last-minute, here's how quick it really did happen:
    *Talked to him Sunday, May 27th, at 7:30 pm about going thinking there's no possible way I could do it
    *Ok'd it with my boss at 8:30pm Sunday night
    *Booked the one-way flight home for Thursday at 9pm
    *Departed from Gas City at 10:30am Monday, May 28th
    *1st day - traveled from Gas City to Oklahoma City (Jon lost his wallet in St. Louis - story here is worthy of another post)
    *2nd day - traveled from Oklahoma City to Flagstaff, Arizona
    *3rd day - traveled from Flagstaff up to the Grand Canyon, back to Flagstaff and then on to San Diego. Arrived in San Diego 11:30pm their time
    *4th day - Arrived at the San Diego airport at 6am for my 7:30am flight. Arrived back in Indiana at 4pm

    As I said, it was a QUICK trip, but definitely worth it to see the Grand Canyon! God is SO amazing!!!
  4. Lastly, I got into a fight on Friday night. A knock-out, drag down fight...with a telephone pole. I wasn't hurt, but Dorothy (my car was). Dorothy vs. the telephone pole, and the telephone pole won. :( Completely my fault, but could have been avoided if the stupid girl parked illegally in the alley wouldn't have parked there. *Sigh* Dorothy's in the shop and it will cost a little over $1500 to fix her. At least she was still driveable! Below is the damage. :(

Good news is - no one was hurt and I'll have her back Friday!


Kelly said...

Yay Kristie! I'm glad you're back. I ask your mom how wedding plans are going once in awhile. You two are GO GETTERS! :) We'll have to do lunch sometime when your travels bring you this way. I'm glad things are going well for you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well with the wedding plans. We were getting curious. Sorry to hear about Dorothy. Glad the damage wasn't too bad :)

kristenlea47 said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're alive and that life doesn't end after engagement! haha!

That sucks about your car. I'd probably cry. I hate when stuff like that happens. I've had my share of car issues!

Glad to hear the planning is going well. I can only imagine how much work it is.

Keep us posted. Love ya!