Tuesday, September 05, 2006

He's so sneaky...

Ok, as an addition to my last post, I was just working on something here at the office, and was using Post-It Note after Post-It Note. Half way down in the middle of the stack, Travis wrote "I Love You" for me to find. I'm not sure when he snuck this in today, but it definitely made me smile.

I'm one lucky woman!


Anonymous said...

sorry i was so busy after being gone for a week that i didn't get to visit with travis more. i really wanted to talk to him more. hopefully there will be a next time soon...

The Amonette's said...

Awww, you have a very sweet boyfriend :)

kristenlea47 said...

I'm jealous (in a good way). I can only hope for someone half as sweet, because those don't come around very often.