Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Charles Byron Fields

Grandpa Fields & I - September 2007

My heart aches today. My Grandpa Fields passed away this morning at 6:55am, at the VA Hospital in Marion. He was 79.
First and foremost, Gramps was a man who loved God with all of his heart. He is the only person I know who TRULY loved like Jesus Christ loves us. Grandpa didn't care what you've done in your past or the mistakes he knew you would make in the future; he loved you anyway. Two weeks ago, he sat in his room at the VA and prayed for his evening meal. He did not pray that God would heal him - in fact, he never once mentioned anything about himself or prayed for himself. He only prayed for the "hands that prepared it" and that others would come to know Christ. Over the past few weeks, many have sent cards, letters, and emails to our family telling us how Grandpa had impacted their life. Some were led to the Lord through my Grandpa's life, others recommited their lives to the Lord. Many have commented on what a strong man of God he was and how he lived out his life that way. As a Christian, could there be a better testimony than that?!
He was not just my grandpa, he was my friend. He was full of wisdom and integrity. He was a hard worker his entire life and always willing to lend a helping hand. He was kind and gentle, but firm and grounded. He was compassionate and considerate of others. He loved his family very much. There was never a question about this. Anyone who met him was blessed by him. I am thankful for the Godly examply my Grandpa gave - not only to his family, but to everyone. He was funny and had a wonderful sense of humor.
Selfishly, I want my Gramps here with me. Even though his body has been steadily declining over the past several weeks, I still want him here. I will miss our heart-to-heart talks that we shared, but will relish all of the magnificent memories he gave me. My Aunt told me this morning that all the tears we shed are simply because we love him so much. This statement couldn't be more true.
I know today that Gramps is in heaven meeting the God of all Creation. He is celebrating, rejoicing, praising the Lord, and running up and down the streets of heaven. He is seeing my Grandma for the first time in eight years, and seeing her body completely healed for the first time ever. These are the reasons that I can rejoice in my Grandpa's passing. I miss him already, but Gramps, I will see you again one day! I love you "the mostest most!" :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to your grandpa! Best wishes for you and your family through this time.